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All You Need To Know About Ashmari (Renal Calculi) And 6 Best Effective Ways To Prevent It.

Image credits- Logo Maker- apps/details?id=com. createlogo.logomaker As you all know Ashmari/ renal calculi is an medical condition having high prevalence rate in recent years. If you yourself is suffering from this, or seen anyone suffering from, may be knowing it is a very painful condition to experience. What we eat, is what defines us. So, here we will discuss regarding the cause, how to manage this condition, What dietary changes we should adopt? Let us see.


Agnikarma is a very well known procedure in Ayurveda. Father of Surgery, Acharya Susrutha have explained about this procedure in Susrutha sutrasthana, chapter 12. Agnikarma is a known Para surgical procedure  which provides instant relief for the individual suffering from severe pain. It  used in conditions- to arrest the bleeding, relives from joint pain, sandhigatavata, headache, sciatica etc. It is also known as Dahana karma - thermal cautery. Importance of agnikarma (sreshtatha)- In ayurveda there are many procedures techniques that can be adopted  like use of Kshara karma, leech therapy (jalaukaavacharana) etc. But AGNIKARMA is considered as sresta (prime important) as it can be applied in disease conditions which are incurable by the use of medicines, surgical procedures and above mentioned procedures like blood letting, leech therapy etc. This is because there is very less chance of reoccurrence of the disease treated by Agnikarma. Only a physician who has prime knowledge about


Ayurveda has an idealistic way of approaching a disease and managing it in an efficient way, making a cure possible, in condition if the science of life is knowledgably and practically acquired. In this topic, I would like to discuss about pathya ahara for the management of Autism spectrum disorder. Autism spectrum disorder falls on the category of Behavioural disorders. So let me give a brief explanation of regarding the topic. Image credits- Logo Maker- apps/details?id=com. createlogo.logomaker A behaviour refers to the action or reaction of an object or organism in relation to the environment. If there is any deviation from the normal behaviour, it is considered as a Behavioural Problem, Autism Spectrum Disorder is one such of a kind. When the child cannot adjust to complex environment around them, they become unable to behave in the socially accepted way resulting in exhibition of some of the peculiar behaviours and this is called as Behavioural probl


Most of the diseases which we are facing today is mainly caused due to lifestyle abnormalities. The main challenge is the loss in consistency in maintaining an healthy lifestyle. I was assigned internship duty at National Ayurveda Research Institute For Panchakarma, Cheruthuruthy, Thrissur. Image credits- Logo Maker- apps/details?id=com. createlogo.logomaker During this period, I was in the OPD of Dr V C Deep, Asst. Directorate NRIP.  His approach toward his patients is mainly concentrated toward the root cause of illness for the cure of the diseased condition, so that there won't be recurrence of the disease. Here we will be discussing 6 ayurvedic lifestyle changes recommended for better health. We will be discussing about how one should maintain an daily routine for healthy dose of life. The below mentioned points, lifestyle through ayurveda was his work and it was also mentioned in our ayurvedic classics, which are till now advising to his patients


April 11th is known for NATIONAL SAFE MOTHERHOOD DAY.     Every year, this day focuses on the safety and welfare of the young mothers as well as expecting mothers. 'National Safe Motherhood Day' is observed on birth occasion of  Kasturba, wife of Mahatma Gandhi. Janani Suraksha Yojana (JSY) is an initiative by the Government of India for reducing the neonatal and maternal mortality rate. On this occasion, I would like to discuss about Soothika Paricharya . What are the management of Soothika in Ayurveda?     As per Ayurveda, a woman after the expulsion of the Garbha and placenta is known as SOOTHIKA. Meanwhile Acharaya Kashyapa has clearly mentioned that althought a woman delivers the child, the woman is called soothika only after the expulsion of placenta. WHAT IS THE DURATION CARE FOR SOOTHIKA? SOOTHIKA KALA? As per Acharya Susrutha and Acharya Vagbhatta- Care of the young mothers is till 6 weeks, which corresponds to the Modern post natal care period. While Acharya Vagbhatt

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Dr Soumya Lakshmi
Always had interest in writing, I started this blog so that I could express myself for the subjects I am interested. To communicate with the readers about various topics, sharing options and knowledge. Always grateful to my Gurus.
