Ayurveda has an idealistic way of approaching a disease and managing it in an efficient way, making a cure possible, in condition if the science of life is knowledgably and practically acquired. In this topic, I would like to discuss about pathya ahara for the management of Autism spectrum disorder. Autism spectrum disorder falls on the category of Behavioural disorders. So let me give a brief explanation of regarding the topic. |
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- What is pathya aharas?
- What is the relevance in following pathya aharas?
- How can autism be managed by following pathyapathyas? Is it effective way of managing the disorder?
- What are the pathya aharas mentioned in ayurvedic classics for these disorders?
What is pathya aharas?
Pathya aharas are the wholesome food which does not affect badly to one’s body and mind and its consumption are being considered good for the health. Thus, it cannot be concluded every pathya ahara are wholesome to everyone, it depends upon several factors like the individual, season, habitat etc. Sometimes the individual may not habituate to the certain wholesome food. By the yukti of the treating physician, personalised diets are being prescribed to the individual.
Next the question regarding,
the relevance of following pathya aharas arises, i.e., amidst the treatment procedures, is it necessary for one to follow the pathyas? Well management of proper pathya and proper regimen is required predate before the treatment proceedings in order to achieve the desired effect. Just like the feathers predate before the birds, by proper understanding of individual pathya ahara, the treating physician can attain desired effects. The individual affected by autism/ unmada are mainly being affected with disorders of the agni. The child’s body is physiologically immature in condition i.e.;sharira of the bala having aparipakwa dhatus condition. So, the first basic treatment principle is Deepana- pachana. Being stimulating the agni which digest the wholesome foods, which in turn stimulates the strength, complexion, happiness (a good state of mind) as well as growth of the tissue elements of the entire body resulting in proper metabolism.
Intake of wholesome food is necessary but Some commentators state that it can be achieve only by proper timely food intake. In unmada condition, the vata dosha is being affected especially vyanavayu which is the force for the transportation of the nutrients to dhatus. Thus, in turn this vitiated vata affects the proper nourishment of the dhatus and the body. Another cause is also due to derangement of the manovahasrotas and manas due to vata dosha, condition like autism occurs.
Do you (parents/caretakers) frighten the child while feeding him/her by saying if you don't eat the food now, pretha (ghost) will come? And all!!
According to acharya charaka in sharirasthana chapter 8, it
is not advised to frighten the child in any stage for not eating or for
disciple purpose as it invokes the child psychologically.
Ayurvedic management of Autism
As therapeutic and preventive measures, Rasayana treatments – Medhya rasayanas are also being mentioned in autism disorder for the proper improvement of the brain function, nourishment of the saptha dhatus and for building immunity. It focusses on mental development and rejuvenation of the nervous system. Memory, learning and focus are also improved. Umnada or autism condition is due to the decreases in the satwa guna in that psyche state of the affected individual. Satwa guna is the superior most psyche state of the mind. In affected individual these is an prevalence of the tamo and rajo guna which is the lower psyche state of the mind.
Classic Ayurvedic
literature has mentioned various pathya aharas as a whole. For the management
of manovyadhis, Ayurveda emphasizes the importance of satwika ahara such as:
ksheera, and others, which helps in
increasing the sattva guna of the individual.
The above mentioned
pathya aharas can be taken as Nithya sevaniya dravyas as this consumption is of nutritive value,
which helps in the nourishment of the saptha dhatus and considered media in
Pathya ahara involving:-
- Wholegrains, peas and leafy vegetables
- Egg yolk
- Milk and diary products
- Lentils
- Nuts and seeds- sunflower seed, pumpkin seeds
- Sea foods like Sardines and Mackerels. Avoid shellfish.
- Vegetables- carrot, beetroot, broccoli.
- Fresh fruits- Banana, orange, apple, pear, lemon
Apathya charya
Factors which increase the tamo and rajo
guna like katu, amla, ruksha rasas, are to be avoided.
Medications like tikthaka ghrita,
jeevaniya ghrita and misraka sarphi can be given to the condition.
Thus, for this I conclude the relevance of pathya in the management of autism spectrum disorder as this management helps in boosting the individuals satwa guna, it helps in attaining the desired effect. Detoxification of the sharira by treatment therapies, consumption of Rasayanas. Controlling manovikaras and proper management of pathya, altogether helps in removal of the vitiated doshas and helps in attaining normal physical and mental wellness.
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