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Agnikarma is a very well known procedure in Ayurveda. Father of Surgery, Acharya Susrutha have explained about this procedure in Susrutha sutrasthana, chapter 12. Agnikarma is a known Para surgical procedure which provides instant relief for the individual suffering from severe pain. It used in conditions- to arrest the bleeding, relives from joint pain, sandhigatavata, headache, sciatica etc. It is also known as Dahana karma - thermal cautery.

Importance of agnikarma (sreshtatha)-

In ayurveda there are many procedures techniques that can be adopted  like use of Kshara karma, leech therapy (jalaukaavacharana) etc. But AGNIKARMA is considered as sresta (prime important) as it can be applied in disease conditions which are incurable by the use of medicines, surgical procedures and above mentioned procedures like blood letting, leech therapy etc. This is because there is very less chance of reoccurrence of the disease treated by Agnikarma. Only a physician who has prime knowledge about the procedure and anatomical analysis of the individual condition will be able to adapt it efficiently.

What is the Technical Mechanism of Agnikarma?

An heated shalaka is placed over the affected site which relives the pain. The heat (ushna guna) produced from the shalaka when placed in the affected site increases the blood circulation and countereffects the sheeta guna of vata, reason for the pain over the site. Thereby providing nourishment to the dhatu and reducing the pain and inflammatory condition from that site. 
  • Destruction of pathogens 
  • Lowers the chances of infection.
  • Haemostatic action due to vasoconstriction
  • Chedana action
  • Vata- Kapha dosha shamaka.

Which is the suitable time for agnikarma?

It can be done in all seasons except in autumn and summer season. In case of emergency situation, Acharya Susrutha advises that it can be done in autumn and summer seasons by managing precautious methods.

What are the areas, where agnikarma can be done?

Agnikarma can be done in skin, muscles, veins, ligaments, bony joints and even in bones.( त्वक्, मांस, सिर, स्नायु, सन्धि, अस्थि )

Conditions indicated for agnikarma- 

Acharya Susrutha indicated agnikarma for many conditions including fistula-in-ano (although not seen in practice), haemorrhoids, obstructed foetus, ulcers, headache, abdominal disorders, diseases of mouth etc. But let us see the Conditions in which agnikarma done in today's clinical practice- 
  • In severe pain conditions
  • where muscles are hard, without sensations
  • warts on skin
  • moles
  • tennis elbow
  • foot corn
  • osteoarthritis
  • sciatica
  • spondylosis
  • frozen shoulder 
  • plantar faciatis
  • fissure
Conditions contraindicated for agnikarma-

Acharya Susrutha have contraindicated agnikarma in pitta prakruthi patients. Exclusion criteria, a physician should look forward in an patient are:-
  • Patient suffering from Diabetic mellitus
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Patient having severe anaemia
  • Cancer patients
  • AIDS
  • Secondary OA conditions.
  • Pregnant ladies.
  • Tumour or malignancy conditions
As like in any other procedures, it consist of - pre operative, operative and post operative procedures.

Pre-operative procedure:-  

The physician should counsel the patient regarding the procedure techniques and obtain consent from the patient. In majority of the cases, it is advised the patient to take food before the procedure as per the advise from the treating physician. Patient eligibility for the procedure to be checked by advising the following tests in order to omit the contraindicated conditions-
  • Routine blood test- to find out whether the patient is anaemic
  • Fasting Blood Sugar
  • PPBS
  • Uric acid
  • RA factor
  • Urine analysis
Operative procedure-

The physician while doing the procedure should look for the samyak dagdha lakshana for ensuring proper cauterization. Acharya Susrutha have mentioned about samyak dagdha lakshana separately for twak (skin), mamsa (muscle), sira, snayu, sandhi and asthi pradesha.
In conditions of foot corn, warts and moles, complete excision of the root should be ensured, so as to prevent the recurrence. 
In case of tennis elbow, sciatica, severe joint pain etc. agnikarma is to be done at the site of maximum intense pain. 

Post operative procedure-

After the operative procedure, the site is to be applied with medicine of cold potency. 
  • cotton dipped with madhu and ghrita can be kept at the site of procedure. 
  • cotton dipped with murivenna can also be applied at the site.
  • Advise the patient to avoid contact with water at the site for 3-4 days.
foot corn removal by agnikarma

Picture shown above is agnikarma procedure done in case of foot corn. 
Advantages of agnikarma in this condition (foot corn)-
  1. Quick relief from pain.
  2. Less time consuming
  3. Easy to do procedure 
  4. Less chances of reoccurrence. 
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Dr Soumya Lakshmi
Always had interest in writing, I started this blog so that I could express myself for the subjects I am interested. To communicate with the readers about various topics, sharing options and knowledge. Always grateful to my Gurus.
