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April 11th is known for NATIONAL SAFE MOTHERHOOD DAY.  Every year, this day focuses on the safety and welfare of the young mothers as well as expecting mothers. 'National Safe Motherhood Day' is observed on birth occasion of  Kasturba, wife of Mahatma Gandhi. Janani Suraksha Yojana (JSY) is an initiative by the Government of India for reducing the neonatal and maternal mortality rate. On this occasion, I would like to discuss about Soothika Paricharya. What are the management of Soothika in Ayurveda?  

As per Ayurveda, a woman after the expulsion of the Garbha and placenta is known as SOOTHIKA.
Meanwhile Acharaya Kashyapa has clearly mentioned that althought a woman delivers the child, the woman is called soothika only after the expulsion of placenta.


As per Acharya Susrutha and Acharya Vagbhatta- Care of the young mothers is till 6 weeks, which corresponds to the Modern post natal care period.

While Acharya Vagbhatta mentioned it to be one and a half month or till the commencement of the menstruation. 


Child birth is an crucial stage during motherhood. After care of the mother is also very essential and It stands equal importance as the pregnancy stage. Many of us might be thinking, Is there any postnatal care in ayurveda? Is it necessary to do Soothika Paricharya? Is this Care plan beneficial or effective? Does this care plan have any side effects?

Let us see. There are Postnatal care mentioned and practiced in Ayurveda. Regarding the question about necessity of Soothika Paricharya- Well! It is very healthy to do the postnatal management care, as the lady in labour undergoes Vata Prakopa and in later stages the women may suffer from  Post partum depression - commonly seen nowadays. The therapeutic procedures and diet regimens mentioned in Classical Ayurveda helps in subsiding the vata prakopa. Hence Soothika Paricharya is necessary, beneficial and will surely be effective. As this procedure involves Shamana chikitsa, there won't be adverse effects nor complications.


Acharya Vagbhata explained that after pregnancy the women will be weak and emaciated as the dhatus, ojas poshana (nourishment) are being transferred from the mother to the foetus for the growth and development of the foetus. Subsequently woman will be mentally and physically weak. By following this ayurvedic puerperal management, she can regain nourishment, strength etc. making the woman back to the per-pregnant stage. 

Let us see various management mentioned by our Acharyas.
  1. Abyanga with bala tailm.
  2. Prisheka or kashayapana with vatahara drugs
  3. Sneha yuktha yavagu/ ksheera yavagu which is processed with vidarigandhadhi gana from the 3rd day of delivery for 3 days.
  4. If the women is contra-indicated to Sneha then kashaya of vatahara drugs or lagupanchamoola are advised.
  5. Intake of meat soup processed with yava, kola, kulatha, shali as per the condition.
  6. Udara abyanga
  7. Chatursneha processed with panchaloka choorna- if mother is hungry
  8. Using rakshogna dravya for protection of the new-born and the young mother.
  9. Doopanam with ghrita processed with kusha, guggulu, agar
  10. Arishta- jeerakarishtam, dasamoolarishtam, ashokarishtam and gutika sevana- dhanwantara gutika according to the condition
  11. Lehya sevana- thengin pookkula, shatavari gulam
  12. Udara veshtana ( bandaging of abdomen )- for tightening the abdominal muscles and to alleviate the vata prakopa.
  13. Vettu kuli- bath with water processed with leaves having vatahara properties ( guava leaf, ripened pappaya leaf, mango leaf, turmeric leaf etc.)
  14. Ushana udaka pariseka is also recommended to alleviate the dushtaraktha
  15. Boiled and cooled water should be given to drink.

  • Acharya Susrutha have mentioned that some women will have doshas or raktha left inside the uterus, unexpelled after the delivery, do in such patients shodhana chikitasa to be done by giving curna of pippalimula, citraka, sringavera mixed with lukewarm jaggery water for 2-3 days. This is done to expel the vitiated doshas and raktha.
  • Our Achayas have mentioned treatment regimens as per desha (place/habitat), the physician considering the desha should advise the therapies as per the individual condition and habitat.
  • Soothika should be refrained from Psychological factors like anger, heavy exercise, coitus or exertion.
  • Make sure the soothika doesn't over-weight and maintain an normal balanced weight.

Nowadays in most of the District Ayurvedic Hospitals and Dispensaries are providing Prasava Raksha Kits as a part of postnatal care management and majority of the women have responded positively after the management therapy. 
Never be hesitant to reach out the doctor for consultation and for their advise. Ayurveda is providing postnatal care services as majority of the women out there may not be knowing, So I am discussing for their information and never be missed out to avail these care. Our health is in our hands, stay safe and happy.

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Dr Soumya Lakshmi
Always had interest in writing, I started this blog so that I could express myself for the subjects I am interested. To communicate with the readers about various topics, sharing options and knowledge. Always grateful to my Gurus.
