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Most of the diseases which we are facing today is mainly caused due to lifestyle abnormalities. The main challenge is the loss in consistency in maintaining an healthy lifestyle. I was assigned internship duty at National Ayurveda Research Institute For Panchakarma, Cheruthuruthy, Thrissur.

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During this period, I was in the OPD of Dr V C Deep, Asst. Directorate NRIP.  His approach toward his patients is mainly concentrated toward the root cause of illness for the cure of the diseased condition, so that there won't be recurrence of the disease. Here we will be discussing 6 ayurvedic lifestyle changes recommended for better health. We will be discussing about how one should maintain an daily routine for healthy dose of life. The below mentioned points, lifestyle through ayurveda was his work and it was also mentioned in our ayurvedic classics, which are till now advising to his patients. So, I wanted to share it with you all, for those who want to make positive changes in your life and to recorrect the way, where you went wrong.

Ayurveda (science of life) is dedicated in maintenance of health in two ways-  swasthavritta (maintenance of positive health) and aturavrtta ( by therapeutic intervention). Here we will discuss about 6 ayurvedic lifestyle ways for maintenance of positive health- SWASTHAVRITTA. 
  1. As per ayurvedic classical text ( Ashtanga hridaya), an healthy individual should be waking up 96 minutes before the sunrise. 
  2. Get up in the morning as early as possible (around 5), fulfil your natural urges (urination, defaecation etc.) without any further delay.
  3. Holding up of natural urges can cause a spectrum of diseases. Voluntary holding up of natural urges upsets the rhythm of the digestive system and also affects the proper functioning of eyes.
  4. These urges should  be fulfilled as soon as they arise, 1-2 times defecation and 5-6 times of urination is advisable in a day.
  5. Holding the micturition can lead to diseases of urinary system and menstrual abnormalities in women.
  6. Thereafter, brushing, tongue cleaning and holding water in mouth (water pulling) should be done. These practices promotes oral hygiene, improves taste perception, maintain tooth texture and shape.
  1. Light exercise is advised in the morning
  2. Daily practise of yogasanas in the form of Surya namaskar and others along with pranayama is highly recommended.
  3. Exercise provides bodily strength, brings for enthusiasm, promotes digestion and burns excess fat deposition in the body.
  4. Daily exercise prevents degenerative arthropathies, vascular and collagen related diseases, helps check hypertension, promotes circulation, controls lipid profile and gives overall immunity, when properly done.
  5. Exercise should be done on using individuals half strength, after exercise the entire body should be massaged.
  1. One should apply oil daily on the body, especially on his head, ears and feet with sesame oil/ coconut oil/ other medicated oil.
  2. Oleation of head is beneficial for eyes and ears, promotes good sleep and prevents hairfall.
  3. Oleation of ear prevent diseases like hearing loss and hemiplegia.
  4. Oleation of feet prevents diseases caused by aggravation of vata mainly Neuromuscular and Musculoskeletal diseases.
  5. Oleation on the entire body promotes health and beauty of skin.

  1. Bathing should be made a daily routine preferably in the morning.
  2. The oil applied is to be removed during bath using green gram powder or soap or shampoo. Some people might be allergic to green gram, so for them use soap according to the skin type of your body.
  3. Head should be washed first using normal temperature water, which should be poured on the back of the head by slightly bending the back.
  4. Hot water pouring on the head is harmful to the eyes and hair. Hot water head bath can cause Hypertension and hair fall.
  5. After bathing, the moisture content all over the body should be removed using a dry towel. Retention of moisture can cause diseases like Rheumatoid Arthritis.
  6. Do not apply oil on head and bath after bath.
  1. Food should be consumed only after ensuring the previous meal is fully digested.
  2. Food should be taken soon immediately after the bath.
  3. Bathing stimulates the secretion of digestive juices. So the digestive system shouldn't be held deprived from food, which otherwise can lead to metabolic disorders like dyslipidaemia, type 2 diabetics, thyroid dysfunction etc.
  4. Food should be taken at right amount and at regular intervals.
  5. Food should be properly chewed and mixed sufficiently with the salivary juices before swallowing as the process of digestion starts from the mouth itself. Those who have the habit of swallowing food without sufficient chewing, tend to show increased levels of triglycerides during their blood examination.
  6. Untimely food is harmful to the digestive system.
  7. Food should be eaten neither too quickly nor too slow
  8. Freshly cooked food is always recommended. Avoid the practise of "reheating stale food".
  9. Always include milk and ghee in one's diet.
  1. Proper sleep is inevitable for physical and mental health and for imparting proper rest and freshness to the body and mind.
  2. Sleep preferably by 10 PM so that one can easily wake up at 5AM in the morning after adequate sleep.
  • When the body is covered with sweat due to heat or exertion, refrain from washing your face, legs or body.
  • Those who take bath with sweat may suffer from fever, cold, neck pain and hypertension.
  • Washing face immediately after coming from hot sun can cause pressure variations in the eyes which can lead to diseases like glaucoma.
  • Those who wash their legs after heat exposure and exertion are at the risk of peripheral circulatory defects like varicosity of the legs.
  • Bathing soon after perspiration may result in diseases like fever, cold, neck pain and hypertension.
  • Personal hygiene should be maintained- trimming of nails, beard, hygiene of feet and intimate organs.
  • Always wear umbrella and footwear while going outside.
  • Avoid smoking cigarettes and alcohol consumption. 
  • One should follow code of conduct and etiquette. 

  1. Proper appetite at proper time.
  2. Proper digestion of the ingested food. Devoid of heartburn, regurgitation and belching etc.
  3. Natural urges like defecation and urination happening at regular intervals.
  4. Feeling of lightness in body.
  5. Proper functioning of the sense organs like eyes, ears etc.
  6. Good strength as well as complexion.
  7. Wellness of mind. 
By following the daily regime anyone can attain a very healthy life. 

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Dr Soumya Lakshmi
Always had interest in writing, I started this blog so that I could express myself for the subjects I am interested. To communicate with the readers about various topics, sharing options and knowledge. Always grateful to my Gurus.
