There is a rapid increase in cases of Heart Attack rates. A rise in deaths due to heart attacks are predominantly being seen in India too. Well, in the majority of the cases, lack of providing first-aid needed in emergency cases have resulted in death rates due to heart attack. Providing an First- aid to the casualty of heart attack (like Cardio pulmonary resuscitation- also known as CPR) given to the patient till the medical aid is arrived will surely save a life. What I wanted to discuss in this article is about AED (Automated External Defibrillator), an advanced equipment which can be utilised in saving lives, this equipment has already been placed in most of the developed countries across the world. What, we, the common people do not know is that this advanced machine, used during emergencies of cardiac arrest or acute chest pain, This equipment are also being placed in India Cities too. Owain.davies, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons Places where AED's are installed in Ker
I'd like to talk about Non-healing Ulcers in this article. As you are all aware, an ulcer is a breach in the continuity of the covering epithelium. What I want to discuss is not just the indications and symptoms of ulcers, but also the management of an non-healing ulcer in an Ayurvedic way. Also the importance and success rate in Ayurveda for the treatment of a long-standing ulcer. As our Acharyas have indicated, it is achieved not just through therapeutic techniques and medications, but also by the patient's adherence to the pathya-apathya charyas and the patience within them. Dr. Sreeshma Sreenath, BAMS,Ayur,MD, Shalyatantra, the treating physician and P N Panicker Souhruda Ayurveda Medical College deserve special recognition. CHIEF COMPLAINT- Non-healing ulcer on both lower legs with discomfort and pus discharge for the past two and a half years. ALROUND DATA OF THE PATIENT- He is a 69 years old male patient. He suffered a car accident ten years ago that resulted in