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Awareness of AED in First-Aid: A Must Known for Everyone for saving lives in emergencies.

There is a rapid increase in cases of Heart Attack rates. A rise in deaths due to heart attacks are predominantly being seen in India too. Well, in the majority of the cases, lack of providing first-aid needed in emergency cases have resulted in death rates due to heart attack. Providing an First- aid to the casualty of heart attack (like Cardio pulmonary resuscitation- also known as CPR) given to the patient till the medical aid is arrived will surely save a life. What I wanted to discuss in this article is about AED (Automated External Defibrillator), an advanced equipment which can be utilised in saving lives, this equipment has already been placed in most of the developed countries across the world. What, we, the common people do not know is that this advanced machine, used during emergencies of cardiac arrest or acute chest pain, This equipment are also being placed in India Cities too.  Owain.davies, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons Places where AED's are installed in Ker
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Non-Healing Ulcers: Exploring Ayurveda Therapies.

I'd like to talk about Non-healing Ulcers in this article. As you are all aware, an ulcer is a breach in the continuity of the covering epithelium. What I want to discuss is not just the indications and symptoms of ulcers, but also the management of  an non-healing ulcer in an Ayurvedic way. Also the importance and success rate in Ayurveda for the treatment of a long-standing ulcer. As our Acharyas have indicated, it is achieved not just through therapeutic techniques and medications, but also by the patient's adherence to the pathya-apathya charyas and the patience within them. Dr. Sreeshma Sreenath, BAMS,Ayur,MD, Shalyatantra, the treating physician and P N Panicker Souhruda Ayurveda Medical College deserve special recognition.  CHIEF COMPLAINT- Non-healing ulcer on both lower legs with discomfort and pus discharge for the past two and a half years. ALROUND DATA OF THE PATIENT-       He is a 69 years old male patient. He suffered a car accident ten years ago that resulted in

EYELID MYOKYMIA (Eyelid Twitching)

There is a belief that twitching of the right eye in males is regarded lucky, whilst twitching of the left eye in females is considered unlucky. I honestly have no idea whether it's true or not. In some ways, I believed these things as a youngster, and it's kind of fun to believe those things at that time. Well,  What we are going to discuss in this post is regarding medical condition of eyelid twitching. WHAT IS EYELID MYOKYMIA? Eyelid myokymia is a type of involuntary continuous rippling muscular activity that typically affects the lower eyelid. HOW LONG DOES EYELID MYOKYMIS LASTS?  It is a self-limiting condition that lasts a few days or weeks, but in severe cases, it can last a month.  The image below depicts an OPD patient who has had significant eyelid myokymia for about three weeks. Orbicularis oculi muscle are main protractors, closes the eyelids and assist in pumping the tears from the eyes to the nasolacrimal duct system. The orbicularis muscle's orbital component

Best Powders for Daily Consumption in Managing Diabetes: A Detailed Review

Photo by Markus Spiske: Diabetes is a widespread chronic disease that affects the vast majority of people. Diabetics are classified into several subtypes, the most common of which are type 1 and type 2 diabetics. We will discuss how type 2 diabetes, which are caused by heredity and a poor health habits, may be treated naturally by consuming these powders on a regular basis, backed up by scientific data. Diabetics patients suffering from this chronic disease can have complications such as diabetic retinopathy, neurological disorders, kidney problems, and so on. As you can see, it's critical to understand what's causing it. Furthermore, if a hereditary family history exists, it is preferable to take preventive steps.  Diabetes develops when the body is unable to convert food into energy. The food we eat is converted into glucose and sugar by the body's metabolism and gets released into the bloodstream. An ri

12 Classical Ayurvedic Ways to Cure Fever At Home.

Image credits- Logo Maker- apps/details?id=com. createlogo.logomaker As the weather transitions to the rainy season, many of us are experiencing some sort of illness, whether it's general weakness, a cold, or the flu. So we shall address the subject of Fever. Most of school-age youngsters are affected since cold and flu are rising. Our immune systems are at their weakest during this season. Fever would also have an impact on grownups.  Since there are so many different varieties of jwara (fever) and the fact that they can be caused by so many different causes, it is impossible to explain jwara (fever) in a concise capsule form without thorough knowledge about the disease. Thus, we cannot give borderline treatment in particular for all distinct types of jwara conditions as each type have distinct treatment approaches. Jwara (fever) is considered Lord Shiva's anger in Ayurvedic literature. This article will cover Twelve effective ways to cure fever

Rasa Sindhura Preparation with Paradha: A Brief tutorial

Image source- Google/ Image by-  Hi-Res Images of Chemical Elements The term in Sanskrit for what we call mercury now is known as parada. therefore, as you read further into this post, I'll be addressing mercury, as parada, Ok!   You may have learned about the element mercury and its characteristics in primary school. Did you know it's an pharmaceutical medication that you can take? Did you know it's a powerful remedy that can treat a variety of ailments?   Rasashtra is an important subject for the preparation of superior blend products. In regard to the significance of Rasashastra by Rasendrasara sangraha, Rasa preparations (mercurial preparations) are considered to be superior to other therapies because even low dosages are helpful and help in recovering health faster. Mercurial preparations can even be prescribed in the treatment of incurable disorders. Mercury has the yogavahi characteristic, which means it enhances the action of medications that are given to it. It has


    Have you examined your own legs? Have you notice any dilated veins in your legs? Have you experienced any distress, pain, heaviness, itchy skin, or nocturnal cramps yet ignored the condition? Many of you are aware that you have varicose veins, while others are unaware of it.  If you have varicose veins, you are probably aware of how uncomfortable that condition can be, especially if you are feeling pain and discomfort throughout your working hours. You find it tough to keep up with your daily activities no matter how hard you try? Are you tired of taking medications yet not seeing results, and on the other hand, are you anxious of the surgical operations that the surgeons recommend for you? Well, good news for you everyone, we are now going to talk about an excellent para-surgical procedure known as Siravyadha, by which you can wave goodbye to painful varicose veins. 

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Dr Soumya Lakshmi
Always had interest in writing, I started this blog so that I could express myself for the subjects I am interested. To communicate with the readers about various topics, sharing options and knowledge. Always grateful to my Gurus.
