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Best Powders for Daily Consumption in Managing Diabetes: A Detailed Review

Photo by Markus Spiske:

Diabetes is a widespread chronic disease that affects the vast majority of people. Diabetics are classified into several subtypes, the most common of which are type 1 and type 2 diabetics. We will discuss how type 2 diabetes, which are caused by heredity and a poor health habits, may be treated naturally by consuming these powders on a regular basis, backed up by scientific data. Diabetics patients suffering from this chronic disease can have complications such as diabetic retinopathy, neurological disorders, kidney problems, and so on. As you can see, it's critical to understand what's causing it. Furthermore, if a hereditary family history exists, it is preferable to take preventive steps. 
Diabetes develops when the body is unable to convert food into energy. The food we eat is converted into glucose and sugar by the body's metabolism and gets released into the bloodstream. An rise in  sugar levels, stimulates the pancreas to release insulin, which allows the cells in the body to use glucose as energy. The inability of the body to follow the aforesaid method results in an increase in blood sugar levels, resulting to diabetes. 
I'd like to provide some scientifically proved beneficial powders for regular ingestion to naturally lower your blood sugar levels. These three powders are to be taken at three different meal times a day, with a restricted diet and exercise. If you want to control your blood sugar levels and eliminate the need for daily medications, you must combine exercise with a restricted diet.  These will control your diabetes levels naturally, lowering medications and restoring your body's metabolism. 

1. Bitter gourd- 
 Bitter gourd along with the seeds should be sun-dried and then powdered and stored in an airtight container. A 5gm (1 teaspoon) dose should be given shortly after breakfast along with the meal. It can be consumed along with ghee/ curd as not everyone will be in favour of its taste. Bitter gourd is an potent anti-diabetic drug. The fruit and seeds produced a polypeptide that was thought to be similar to bovine insulin (IP). Polypeptide-p was studied in gerbils, langur monkeys, and 19 diabetic individuals. Khanna et al. 1974 and 1981 discovered that polypeptide-p dramatically lowered blood sugar levels.
Charantin is also another main chemical constituent, and a study conducted by Lotlikar and Rajarama Rao 1966, found that varied doses of Charantin caused protracted hypoglycemia in normal fasting rabbits, with the drop being gradual and stable for 4 hours and then slowly recovering. 
Bitter gourd is also known as Karavellaka in Dravyaguna adyaya.
Botanical name- Momordica charantia Linn.
Family- Cucurbitaceae
  • Rasa- Katu, Tiktha
  • Virya- Seetha (ushna by kaideva)
  • Vipaka- Katu
  • Guna- Lagu, Ruksha
2. Pumpkin seeds- 
 Pumpkin seeds should be roasted for 5 minutes and then powdered and stored in an airtight container. A 5gm (1 teaspoon) dose should be given shortly after lunch along with the meal. Pumpkin seeds are rich in magnesium, calories, fat, proteins, fibre, potassium, zinc, iron. These seeds are very rich in magnesium than any other foods and magnesium helps in regulating the blood sugar levels. It is beneficial in type 2 diabetics i.e. affecting the middle-aged and older individuals. Pumpkin seeds have the chemical constituents Trigonelline, nicotinic acid and  DCI which helps in glycemic control.
 It is also known as Kushmandika and is mentioned in ayurvedic literatures under Phala varga. 
Botanical name- Benincasa cerifera savi
Family- Cucurbitaceae. 
  • Rasa- Madhura
  • Virya- Seetha
  • Vipaka- Madhura
  • Guna- Laghu. Snigdha
  • Karma- Pitta-vatahara, hridya
3. Fenugreek seeds-  
Diabetologists strongly recommend fenugreek seeds. Fenugreek seeds should be roasted for 5 minutes and then powdered and stored in an airtight container. A 5gm (1 teaspoon) dose should be given shortly after dinner along with the meal. It can be taken along with ghee or curd but make sure you consume it. Consumption of 10 grams of fenugreek powder in divided doses is equivalent to taking a metformin tablet. Fenugreek's main impact is to improve insulin sensitivity, delaying stomach emptying (as diabetics causes an postprandial spike which is an temporary rise in blood sugar soon after an meal) and reducing glucose absorption. Chronic treatment of the seed extract has been demonstrated in studies to increase food consumption and motivation to eat while simultaneously inducing hyperinsulinemia and hypocholesterolaemia. An research study, published in PubMed central showed improvements in glucose tolerance as well as improvements in HDL to LDL ratios and substantial decrease in FABP4/aP2 levels in the liver of mice supplemented with Fenugreek for 16 weeks on a High fat diet. According to Shastras, 20 gram of the powder reduces blood sugar levels.
Fenugreek is known as Methiki in India. The following are the characteristics properties of Fenugreek -
Botanical name- Trigonella foenum greacum
Family- Fabaceae
  • Rasa- katu rasa
  • Virya- ushna veerya
  • Guna- laghu, snigdha
  • Karma ( Principle action)- Kapha-vata Hara
It is important not to overdose on it because problems such as diarrhoea and bloating can occur. Consume in the recommended dosage. It is also recommended that blood glucose levels be checked before (the level when controlled by medication) and after the ingestion of these powders. Consult your doctor if you notice any substantial changes as a result of this diet practise, and make any necessary changes to your prescription dose levels based on your doctor's advice. As a result, I'm stressing once more the importance of adhering to a rigorous diet and engaging in daily exercise. What we are will be defined by how we live, eat, and think. Everyone's health is my priority.
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Dr Soumya Lakshmi
Always had interest in writing, I started this blog so that I could express myself for the subjects I am interested. To communicate with the readers about various topics, sharing options and knowledge. Always grateful to my Gurus.
