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EYELID MYOKYMIA (Eyelid Twitching)

There is a belief that twitching of the right eye in males is regarded lucky, whilst twitching of the left eye in females is considered unlucky. I honestly have no idea whether it's true or not. In some ways, I believed these things as a youngster, and it's kind of fun to believe those things at that time. Well,  What we are going to discuss in this post is regarding medical condition of eyelid twitching.

Eyelid myokymia is a type of involuntary continuous rippling muscular activity that typically affects the lower eyelid.

 It is a self-limiting condition that lasts a few days or weeks, but in severe cases, it can last a month. 
The image below depicts an OPD patient who has had significant eyelid myokymia for about three weeks.

Orbicularis oculi muscle are main protractors, closes the eyelids and assist in pumping the tears from the eyes to the nasolacrimal duct system. The orbicularis muscle's orbital component is more engaged in voluntary eyelid closure, such as winking and forced squeezing. 

1. Excessive intake of caffeine- Caffeine levels in coffee are significantly higher. A significant amount of coffee, 200 mg of caffeine, or around 2 cups per day, can be consumed and deemed safe in a healthy individual, to be noted. However, I contemplate consuming two cups of coffee every week if I feel like it. Otherwise, I won't. 
If you think drinking green tea is a healthier and better option than coffee, it has caffeine levels that are lower than coffee. So, if you are experiencing eyelid twitching, avoid consuming any of it.
2. Dehydration- Dehydration can produce an imbalance in the body's normal blood sodium levels. Our bodies require adequate sodium levels to sustain correct water-mineral balance, nerve conduction, and muscle relaxation and contraction.  A sufficient amount of water aids in flushing away excess sodium levels in the body; when an person doesn't take much needed amount of water will lead to hypernatremia condition. One such cause of eyelid myokymia is dehydration.
3. Stress- Stress is a major contributor to anxiety muscle twitching. A lot of factors can cause stress like:
  • Students/young people feeling a lot of strain about their studies/future 
  • ones feeling insecure about things in life
  • Overburdened with work and burdened with feelings.
As a result, stress can have an impact on one's mental health by boosting heart rate, blood pressure, and hormone levels. As a result, it makes a contribution to Eyelid myokymia.
4. Fatigue- Fatigue is a condition that we have all experienced or are experiencing. It is more associated with lifestyle issues such as poor sleeping habits (not getting the recommended 7-8 hours of deep sleep), a lack of exercise, excessive screen time, and a lack of good eating. As a result, these behaviours are causing difficulties with concentration, focus, and motivation in life. As a result, fatigue can produce muscle soreness and weakness, which is a factor in eyelid myokymia.
5. Intake of Excessive Alcohol- Drinking alcohol on a daily basis can induce dry eyes and eyelid twitching, which causes short-term inflammation and double vision, which causes burning and itching of the eyes, migraines, and light sensitivity. Long-term effects of this impact may cause the blood vessels in your eyes to expand, causing your eyes to appear red and bloodshot.
Long-term alcohol intake can cause persistent blurring or double vision due to the weakening of the ocular muscles, resulting in a delayed reaction time. Optic atrophies are also possible.
6. Lack of Magnesium, Vitamin D, Calcium and Vitamin B12 Intake- Lack of magnesium, vitamin B12, and vitamin D causes eyelid twitching. These vitamins are required for nerve and muscle function regulation. As a result, these deficiencies have been linked to eyelid myokymia.

1. CLOZAPINE TABLETS- It's an anti-psychotic medicine used to treat mental or mood problems like schizophrenia. Individuals using these medications may be suffering from the aforementioned illness. 
2. FLUNARZINE 10 TABLETS- This medication is used to treat migraines, dizziness, and vertigo. People who take these medications may suffer twitching as a side effect. 
3. TOPIRAMATE MORNINGSIDE 25 mg-  it is given for certain types of seizures.

It should be emphasised that I am not claiming that these medications will cause eyelid twitching for everyone consuming it as a side effect, but it has been proven to be one of the explanations in a few uncommon situations. 
Topiramate-Induced Persistent Eyelid Myokymia, is the study stating this fact. 


The following tips can help in moderate cases, but in severe cases, you should see a doctor because eyelid myokymia can be related with Systemic Disorders. However, what I'm about to address is a condition that is not related with any major ailment. 
Botox injections are often administered in the problematic eyelid region and provide temporary relief for 12-18 weeks. In severe cases of myokymia, this is done.
1. Drink Water- Drink at least 4 litres of water per day; it is effective in the treatment of various diseases. As previously stated, one of the leading causes of eyelid myokymia is dehydration. The most effective strategy to deal with the condition is to stay hydrated by drinking water. In this case, drinking adequate water keeps blood-sodium levels in check. Stay hydrated at all times.
2. Consume Almonds and Pumpkin Seeds- A handful of these every day is more than enough to improve your Magnesium levels. The below list of foods are rich in magnesium-
  • Spinach
  • Dark chocolate
  • Banana
  • Cashew
  • Avocado
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Bean and leafy vegetables.
  • Brown rice
3. Avoiding alcohol is not just beneficial in this circumstance. but also to boost your general health outlook. Alcohol consumption can be minimised by first adjusting the surrounding environment to one that is less conducive to the circumstance, making time for self-care, hitting the gym, and staying hydrated. Some people may experience alcohol withdrawal symptoms such as headaches and nausea; in this case, you should consult your doctor. Talk to them about it. Talk to your loved ones about it, and they will assist you. 
4. Consume calcium rich foods-rich meals.
  • Kale
  • Tofu
  • Soyabeans
  • Almond
  • Milk and Diary products
  • Rhubarb
5. Consume Vitamin D rich foods-
  • Egg yolk
  • Yogurt
  • Cord liver oil
  • Daily 15 minutes sun exposure.
6. Consume Vitamin B12 rich foods- 
  • Egg
  • Milk
  • Diary products
  • Salmon
  • Beef
  • Salmon fish
  • Tuna fish
  • Mushroom
7. MEDITAION AND YOGA - Incorporate meditation and yoga into your everyday routine. It aids in the management of stress and the reduction of weariness. 
Meditate for 10 minutes a day, perform Surya namaskar, and practise time management so you don't have to worry about delaying issues in job or school.
Bhatrika parayama reduces stress and promotes a cheerful mindset.  

Pressure point treatments for self-treatment of eyelid myokymia as well as for eye disorders are also beneficial and can be done at home. Following up requires practise and consistency. This pressure point technique is available on my YouTube channel (link below) beginning at 2.20 minutes. Check it out. I hope you found this article content informative. 

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Dr Soumya Lakshmi
Always had interest in writing, I started this blog so that I could express myself for the subjects I am interested. To communicate with the readers about various topics, sharing options and knowledge. Always grateful to my Gurus.
