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Have you examined your own legs? Have you notice any dilated veins in your legs? Have you experienced any distress, pain, heaviness, itchy skin, or nocturnal cramps yet ignored the condition? Many of you are aware that you have varicose veins, while others are unaware of it. 
If you have varicose veins, you are probably aware of how uncomfortable that condition can be, especially if you are feeling pain and discomfort throughout your working hours. You find it tough to keep up with your daily activities no matter how hard you try? Are you tired of taking medications yet not seeing results, and on the other hand, are you anxious of the surgical operations that the surgeons recommend for you? Well, good news for you everyone, we are now going to talk about an excellent para-surgical procedure known as Siravyadha, by which you can wave goodbye to painful varicose veins. 
Siravyadha, like any other para-surgical therapy, is used to treat illnesses caused by vitiation of Raktha (vitiated blood). Siravyadha is a rakthamokshana method that involves the puncturing of a vein as part of a therapeutic therapy for various diseases. Siravyadha is recommended for a variety of ailments including gridrasi, vatakantaka, visarpa, and others. This para-surgical procedure for varicose veins would be discussed.

Rakthamokshana is a bloodletting procedure. When medical measures fail to alleviate the condition, this procedure is recommended as a last resort. Acharya Susrutha suggested siravyadha as a half-treatment in Shalyatantra.
The commonest question is whether it is the elimination of pure blood or the expulsion of impure blood from the body. Before beginning the treatment, one needs to understand the difference between pure and impure blood. As previously stated, this method lets out impure blood i.e. deoxygenated blood only. Thus we must understand the terms sudha raktha (pure blood) and dushta raktha (impure blood) in order to identify it.
Sudha raktha (Pure blood)- resembling lotus colour, not coagulated
Dushta raktha (Impure blood)- reddish black in colour, unpleasant smell, thick and slimy in nature.

So, who all are afflicted by varicose veins and what are the risk factors?
  • It is generally inherited
  • Occupation requiring long standing
  • Immobility
  • Elevated intra-abdominal pressure like in sports, tight clothing, pregnancy
  • High heels.
This method is not appropriate for everyone; it is contraindicated in the following circumstances: 
  • fatigue and emaciation, 
  • pregnant women, 
  • people suffering from fever, convulsions, epilepsy, protracted fasting patients, and 
  • anaemic patients. 
So, when I was in the OPD in Shalyatantra, lots of patients would come for this procedure, and we would advise them to have plenty of water before the procedure so that they don't pass out during the procedure. We must constantly monitor the patient to see if he or she is experiencing giddiness. As the previous patients have accustomed to this condition, new patients will usually feel giddy. 
The new patients are nervous about the procedure because it is their first experience with it, so only a few of them pass out - not complicated though. 
This is a simple procedure that normally takes about 20-25 minutes. It has a minor pain that is felt at first owing to the piercing of the needle, just like drawing blood for blood testing.
So, when extracting blood, I noticed certain differences between patients. The blood used to flow normally, but in certain situations, no matter how hard we tried, it was insufficient. I wanted to know what could be the reason for this. 
I read Susrutha Sutrastana's description of the technique. The point is, we should consider the climate before proceeding; like whether it is done on an overcast day, during the hot summer season. If the puncturing is inappropriate, If the person is obese then insufficient blood flow is seen.
Typically, in OPD, Siravyadha is performed 
  • during the summer season at time when cool, 
  • during rainy season when days are not cloudy, 
  • during winter season at mid-day,
while adhering to all preventative techniques; nonetheless, despite the theory principles, it is an unavoidable scenario.

The major cause of varicose veins is incompetence of venous valves, which results in blood stasis; therefore, if the vitiated blood is not allowed out, it causes swelling, burning sensation, redness, ulceration, and pain.
Typically, blood is drawn according to age,150ml for middle-aged people and more for younger people. According to the theory, 1 prastha (650ml) of blood should be drawn.
Let us now proceed to the method, 
  1. hydrated individual is made to sit comfortably on a knee height level stool with elbows on the knees and feet together. 
  2. The spot to be punctured is chosen, and a tight bandage is tied above the site of  siravydha in order to make the vein prominent and visible for puncture. 
  3. The spot is then pierced and blood is taken out.
  4. After taking the necessary amount of vitiated blood, the needle and tied bandage should be progressively removed. Some people are concerned about whether the blood will flow after this treatment; there is no need to be concerned; it will not.
  5. The region is wrapped and covered with a cotton swab soaked in oil, generally murivenna is used. 
  6. The bandage can be removed in the evening during a bath.
Following this treatment, it is recommended that you lift your legs above the level of your chest throughout the evening and night hours to allow flow. 
Siravyadha is performed after a 2-month gap, combined with medicine, has shown significant improvements in those who have undergone it. The majority of people said it has made a big difference in their condition.

Siravydha thus helps in removing the deoxygenated and stagnant blood in the lower extremities in varicose vein condition thus facilitating circulation and helps in subsiding the pain and discomfort. 
Try this if you are suffering from this unpleasant condition. Varicose veins, if not properly controlled and ignored, can progress to more serious problems such as varicose ulcers, which are even more painful. 
Don't be anxious; if you have any questions or concerns, feel free to discuss with your consulting doctor and the treating team, we are always available to you.
I hope you enjoyed and found this content beneficial; I tried to make it as simple as possible for you to grasp in a nutshell.

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Dr Soumya Lakshmi
Always had interest in writing, I started this blog so that I could express myself for the subjects I am interested. To communicate with the readers about various topics, sharing options and knowledge. Always grateful to my Gurus.
